Prime Buchholz is proud to be the 100th member of Living, Learning & Earning Longer Collaborative (LLEL), an initiative launched in 2019 and led by AARP, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the World Economic Forum (WEF).  According to LLEL:

“The collaborative includes 100 global companies working together to explore new ways to nurture a multigenerational workforce—offering the policies, practices, and business rationale for doing so.

The Business Case for a Multigenerational Workforce is clear. Studies show that an age-diverse workforce strengthens a company’s resilience, elevates productivity, unlocks markets, sparks innovation, and boosts GDP. In the 2020 Global Employer Survey of OECD Countries of nearly 6,000 corporations, 83% of executives surveyed said a multigenerational workforce is critical to business growth and success. Additionally, the OECD found that an age-diverse workforce would raise the GDP per capita by 19% over the next three decades. And yet, more than half of global executives surveyed do not include age in their diversity and inclusion policy.

The OECD also found that a firm that has a 10% higher share of workers ages 50 and older is more productive than other organizations.

The good news is that employers are willing to use resources to build and sustain a multigenerational workforce—81% say they would use practices and insights related to lifelong learning, education, training, recruitment, and retention.”

“We’re excited to be part of the LLEL movement,” said Prime Buchholz Chief Diversity Officer Valentina Teslenko Dingle. “The importance of a well-diversified workforce cannot be overstated, and that includes age inclusivity.  Harnessing the power of differing perspectives, experience, and backgrounds is an obvious value-add for our clients and community as a whole.”


Living, Learning & Earning Longer –
A Learning Collaborative for Modern Employers
from AARP International on Vimeo.

There are already five generations of people represented in the global workforce. In addition to more resiliency and increased productivity, a multigenerational workforce also helps to unlock markets, spark innovations and overall boost the economy. Within this context, older employees want to be trained; they want to stay relevant. AARP, the World Economic Forum and the OECD partner as leaders of the Living, Learning and Earning Longer initiative to help companies make this possible. Learn more and join the movement today!