Every now and then, we as a people experience an event so momentous, so jarring, that the cacophony of life suddenly goes silent.  Our priorities become crystal clear, and competing interests seem to fall away.  We remember what we’ve always known:  Life is better when we come together.  It is through this lens that we focus in again on our collective humanity — our oneness.

9/11 stopped us in our tracks.  We mourned for the nearly 3,000 people lost to such senseless acts of violence, and for the countless loved ones left behind.  Twenty years later, a feeling of immense tragedy remains the most vivid memory for many.  Indeed, the terrorists’ goal was to tear a hole in the fabric of America.  But instead, the world witnessed America pulling together with renewed love for our freedoms and our people.  It happened at all levels; like a web, we reached out to family, friends, and colleagues.

“Those initial days were just shock,” said Prime Buchholz President Bill McCarron.  “It exposed the fragility of life.  The financial markets closed for days—and they didn’t matter at the time.  Everyone just checked on one another.  9/11 actually reinforced that we’re all in this together.”

From first responders on down, many emerged—both literally and figuratively—from the fire and rubble having built stronger alliances and the resolve to build a better future.

“It’s about the partnerships,” said McCarron. “Our families and friends, our team, our clients—that’s all there is.”

Two decades later, we remain inspired by the extraordinary response to the 9/11 attacks; it fostered the aforementioned shared sense of humanity and responsibility to care for our communities.  As we are faced with new periods of risk and stress, we aim to honor those lost by working passionately in support of our clients’ missions to improve the lives of those they serve.  We vow to be a steady hand as we seek to provide support and guidance through all the ups and downs.

We will never forget.